The popular show Transit is now better than ever ! The cast welcomes four new artists at the peak of their art : Jasmin Blouin, Cédrik Pinault, Jonathan Julien et Pierre Rivière.
Pierre Rivière, aerial straps specialist, was born in Réunion Island. It was in London in 2017 at the Underbelly festival that the crew first met this unmatched globetrotter. His energy and incredible straps technique complete the show perfectly.
Jasmin Blouin is a born juggler from Québec. Before joining the crew, he worked for prestigious circus compagnies such as Cirque Eloize and Cirque du Soleil.
Jonathan Julien is s true showman from Québec. He performed his acts on prestigious TV set such as the Ellen Degeneres Show (NBC) and Le plus grand cabaret du monde (TV5).
Cedrik Pinault is a trampoline artist from Québec. He performed in Brazil, Hungary throughout Europe and USA. His experience and acrobatics are perfect for the show.
Since the artists play themselves on stage, they have work to create new acts, tailor made for the newcomers. They also improved every act and transition. It is a fresher and more dynamic than ever Transit that is coming to France and Switzerland for a 17 nights tour from March 8th to April 6th 2019.
Watch the artists at work in this video were director Alexandre Fecteau explains the creation process.