Créatzirque - Flip Fabrique


Créatzirque is a non-profit organization, operating under the brand FLIP Fabrique. It was born in November 2011 from the dream of young professional circus artists, and has since become a staple in the circus world both at home and abroad.

Its goal:
• make the circus arts accessible by offering high quality family productions;
• raise the standards of Quebec circus by always maintaining an affordable price

FLIP Fabrique was formed around the common aspirations of a group of seven friends who met at the École de Cirque de Québec, and is composed of world-class artists who possess the rich experience of several hundred performances with, among others, the prestigious Cirque du Soleil and Éloize. Our shows are inspired by their individual and shared history, reflect on the lifestyle choices they have made, and above all, aim to exploit each of their own full potential.

Administration Board

Raphaelle-Anne SamsonPresident
Nicolas ClusiaultVice-President
Andréanne PichetteTreasurer
Véronique NormandinSecretary
Maude-Émilie LetarteAdministrator
Marie-Josée DutilAdministrator
Christine BouchardAdministrator
Cédric LavoieAdministrator