With the temperature warming up is coming the festival season ! FLIP Fabrique will take part in large scale events all around the world in England, Scotland, Austria and Hungary.
It’s on the bank of the Thames, at the feet of the London Eye that the very festive Underbelly Festival takes place. The troupe is spending more than a month to perform 42 representation of Transit to the Londonians great viewing pleasure.
Graz is a charming little town in Austria that is the host of La Strada festival for more than 20 years. Theater and circus are everywhere in town, in the streets as well as in the theaters. FLIP Fabrique will perform Attrape-Moi all week.
The Edinburgh Fringe is simply the biggest art festival in the world. During the 25 festival days, more than 3500 shows are presented ! FLIP Fabrique is returning to the Fringe for the fourth time to perform, in a neo-gothic castle, 23 representations of the brand new show Blizzard ! !
photo :David Monteith Hodge
Island in Hungarian is Sziget, so it’s on a small island in the Danube that this large scale festival takes place. FLIP Fabrique will share the spotlight with stars such as Ed Sherra, Martin Garrix, and the Foo Fighters.