SLAM! - Flip Fabrique


Original concept by Ex Machina and FLIP Fabrique
Directed by Robert Lepage
Creative direction by Steve Blanchet
Artistic direction, circus by Bruno Gagnon
Assistant director Félix Dagenais
Original music and sound design by Bob and Bill
Sound co-design by Stanislas Elie
Set design by Ariane Sauvé
Lighting design by Renaud Pettigrew
Visual design by Nicolas Dostie
Costume design by Camila Comin
Artistic consultant Olivier Normand
Wrestling advisor Marko Estrada
Production direction by Antoine Caron
Technical advisor, circus Christophe Hamel
Technical direction, creation Émilie Bérubé
Lighting coordination Michel Bisson
Head rigger Simon Bhérer
Video project manager Samuel Sérandour
Set construction Scène Éthique
Costume realization Camila Comin/ Par apparat confection créative/ Judith Bouchard
Agent for Robert Lepage Linda Beaulieu

A co-production of Ex Machina and FLIP Fabrique
In co-production with Le Diamant and La Tohu

Producer for Ex Machina Michel Bernatchez
Associate producer Hélène Paradis
Executive producer for Europe, Japan Epidemic
Executive producer for America, Asia (except Japan), Australia, and New Zealand Menno Plukker Theatre Agent
Representation in the United States CAMI Music

Circus Artists

Jonathan Julien
Jérémie Arsenault
Cédrik Pineault
Naomi Eddy
Adèle Saint-Martin
Fabien Cortes
Antino Pansa
Maeva Desplat


FLIP Fabrique and Ex Machina are causing quite a commotion in the wrestling world, each bringing their own expertise into the ring. With a decisive match between theatrical titans and circus players, Robert Lepage sets up the scene and script

SLAM!  is theater and circus in the wrestling world. It’s where a kilted Scotsman and a muscular superhero, an Amazon warrior woman and a contortionist Barbie, and a luchador with a diabolo master, all face off in the ring. All opponents contrast and highlight each other’s strengths. And the audience, a character in itself, punctuates the circus prowess with its ahs! and ohs!, cheering its heroes and booing its villains.

SLAM! is more than just wrestling. At times, the spectator’s gaze shifts outside the ring to meet characters who gravitate around this universe without taking part in the fight. Commentators, fervent wrestling fans, bodyguards, cameramen and janitors become the focus of sketches interspersed between the duels. Zany, surprising and poetic, these vignettes are a pretext for highlighting a range of disciplines: ground acrobatics, displays of strength, hand-to-hand and juggling.

SLAM! is also definitively theatrical: in the entrance of the belligerents, in the musical score, in the use of live video and, of course, with the performers acting. The result is a show in which, from one tableau to the next, the audience will bear witness to the wrestler’s pain, laugh, feel hopeful, be moved or scared, yet mostly, amazed.

SLAM! comes to life through the generous support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, and the Ville de Quebec.


Upcoming shows

March 07, 2025
National Taichung Theater Taichung (Taiwan)
March 08, 2025
National Taichung Theater Taichung (Taiwan)
March 09, 2025
National Taichung Theater Taichung (Taiwan)

The Artists

Adèle Saint-Martin Acrobat
Naomi Eddy Contorsion
Maeva Desplat Acrobat
Jonathan Julien Base
Fabien Cortes Hand to hand and trampoline
Cedrik Pineault Base
Antino Pansa Slack wire
Jeremie Arsenault Acrobat
