Québec Winter Carnival Parade 2019 - Flip Fabrique

Québec Winter Carnival Parade 2019


Executive and Artistic Director Bruno Gagnon
Director Raphael Posadas
Music editingFrançois Latulippe
Production coordinator Sophie Thibeault

Original Cast

Jérémie Arsenault
Jasmin Blouin
Camilla Comin
Jade Dussault
Jean-Sébastien Fortin
Bruno Gagnon
Jonathan Julien
William Jutras
Justine Méthé
Hugo Ouellet-Côté
Cédrik Pinault
Samuel Ramos
Jérémy Saint-Jean

FLIP Fabrique proud to present La Ruelle at the Quebec Winter Carnival parade

Flip Fabrique’s intrepid performers have captured all the excitement and wonder of a Quebec winter storm seen through the eyes of a child. What’s more magical than the city standing still and its people coming to life as Jack Frost unfurls his blanket of white? Against a set recreating a back alley, a joyful brigade forms to shovel snow together. Acrobats pull out the stops to help a neighbour whose car is stuck, trampoline-wall artists bounce off snowbanks, and fire-eating electricians work hard to get the electricity running, while dancers warm our spirits!

Free outdoor performance, 7 pm to 9 pm

Find out more about the Quebec Winter Carnival Parade
Photo : Carnaval de Québec ©Armstrong Photo

The FLIP Fabrique participation was made possible by the city of Québec through the cultural development program


1 Daniel Bélanger - Cruel
2 De Temps Antan - La turlutte du rotoculteur
3 Claude Léveillée - Soir d’hiver
4 Alaclair Ensemble - Ça que c’tait
5 Jean Leloup - 1990
6 Gilles Vigneault - Mon pays
